
Report Wizard

EZReports offers 100+ standard reports covering attendance, outcomes, participants, activity, enrollment, staff, providers/partners, etc. However, users who wish to create customized reports for their afterschool program can make use of EZReports' robust built-in Report Wizard. This tool is accessible across all user levels in the system. Users can create the required report in minutes with the preferred data sources, filters, and reporting fields.

The Report Wizard in EZReports is exceptionally user-friendly, such that even users with no prior report-building experience can easily set up customized reports for their program.

  • Generate comprehensive data-driven reports based on various key parameters, including:
    • Student demographics
    • Attendance information
    • Academic information
    • Test information
    • Activity information
    • Transportation information
    • Geographic information
  • Save the customized report to a favorites folder for quick access
  • Customized reports are user-specific, ensuring data privacy and security